Siedzialysmy wciaz w autobusie, kiedy wstalo slonce. Za oknem nie bylo juz zoltych pol ani gestwin zielonych drzew. Za oknem byl piach, niemal pustynny, z kepkami zasuszonych drzew i rosnacymi gdzie niegdzie kaktusami. Stary autobus zmudnie przedzieral sie przez piaszczysta droge, a wokol unosil sie kurz. Smieszne uczucie - zasypiasz, patrzac na zielone lasy, a budzisz sie w srodku boliwijskiego ¨stepu¨. Pieknego stepu. Gran Chaco. Kiedy autobus wreszcie wydostal sie na asfalt, bylo juz niedaleko do Villamontes.
O Villamontes nie znalazlysmy ani slowa w przewodniku - zupelna tajemnica. Ciekawosc. Nieznane:) Na przystanku wysiadly tylko cztery osoby - my oraz podrozujacy w podobnym kierunku Emmanuelle i Lee. Okazalo sie, ze autobus do Tarija wyjezdza dopiero o 19, wiec mielismy caly dzien na zdobycie pierwszych doswiadczen w Boliwii...
Villamontes to miasteczko wielkosci... niewielkiej :) Zanotowalismy ogromny posag ryby na srodku glownego i jedynego ronda, dwie male, ale glowne uliczki i brak turystow. Polgodzinny spacer po ulicznym targu wystarczyl, zeby orzec: Boliwia ma w sobie magie! Magie ciepla - tego naturalnego, zsylanego przez niezmordowanie grzejace slonce, i tego ciepla ludzi, ktore spacerowalo z nami w usmiechach boliwijskich pan z warkoczami. Tak minal leniwy dzien w leniwym miasteczku - niby nic specjalnego, a jednak cos niezwyklego. Tu zaczyna sie doceniac drobiazgi takie jak wode mineralna z lodowki czy prysznic na dworcu autobusowym. Tu zaczyna sie Boliwia... :)
PS. Wieczorem zagralysmy sobie w gre slowna, w ktorej jedna osoba zaczyna zdanie, a druga je konczy, nie widzac poczatku. Z pierwszego, ktore powstalo, smialysmy sie dluuugo! A brzmialo tak: ¨Co by bylo, gdyby Pani Dorotka sciela dredy?¨ i odpowiedz: ¨To ludzie by ja upolowali i zjedli¨ :)
We’ve been still sitting in the bus, when the sun rose. We couldn’t see the fields of gold or the quagmire of green trees any more. There was only sand, almost desert sand, here and there dotted with clumps of dried trees and some cacti. The old bus was arduously breaking trough the sandy road, the dust was hovering all around. Funny feeling – you fall asleep looking at the green forests and you wake up in the middle of Bolivian ‘steppe’. A very beautiful steppe. Gran Chaco. When the bus had finally gotten out on asphalt, we were close to Villamotes.
We haven’t found a single word about Villamontes in our guide – complete mystery. Curiosity. Unknown place :). Only four travelers have step off the bus – us and the traveling in a similar direction Emmanuelle and Lee. It has turned out that the bus to Trija does not depart before 7 pm., so we had the whole day to get first experiences in Bolivia…
Villamontes is a wee town :). We’ve noticed a huge statue of a fish in the middle of the main and the only roundabout, two small, but main streets and lack of tourists. A half-an-hour walk through the market was enough to say: Bolivia has magic! It’s the magic of warmth – this natural one, given by inexhaustible sun, and the warmth of people, which was walking with us in the smiles of Bolivian women with plaits.
So that was a lazy day in a lazy town – seemed like nothing special, but special indeed. One starts to appreciate here little things like a mineral water from a fridge or a shower at the bus station. Here starts Bolivia… :)
Ps. In the evening we’ve played a game, in which one person starts a sentence, and the other one finishes it without seeing the beginning. We’ve laughed for a long time at the first one!!! Here is the sentence:
‘ What would have happened if Pani Dorotka cut off her dreadlocks?’ and the answer: ‘ The people would have hunt her and eaten her’ :).